
Books, Gardens, Dogs
Perfection: A Memoir of Betrayal and Renewal - Julie Metz Spoiler Alert! This is probably one of the best memoirs I have read this year. It is also one of the most honest and truthful one I have read. Julie Metz leaves nothing unsaid and the story unfolds much like a mystery novel. You can't stop reading until you find out what happens next. I am so glad that there is a happy ending for her. Well, I guess I just ruined the ending for some of you. To me that is what life is all about and making the best of a bad situation and learning from it are two of the best things about this book.The story starts out typically enough, the author's husband suddenly dies and she is left a young widow and must rebuild her perfect life. Or what she thinks is perfect. Julie doesn't pay attention to those telling details about her husband's trips to the West Coast and it is amazing that the clues of her husband's infidelities don't really register with her. As she finally wade through her "perfect life" and regains her confidence, she becomes whole. I know several women that this same thing has had happen to them, well, not the death part, but the slow dawning that something is just not right.I also applaud her reaction to the "other" women as she searches them out to find the truth. I don't know if I could personally track down each and every one of them since I would probably want to remain in the dark, but there is a part of me that can see how this would bring closure. I really love reading memoirs and this was our book club pick one month. I didn't get to participate that month, but I am glad I had a chance to finally read this one.

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