
Books, Gardens, Dogs
Teeth: Vampire Tales - Tanith Lee, Garth Nix, Ellen Datlow, Catherynne M. Valente, Christopher Barzak, Kathe Koja, Ellen Kushner, Suzy McKee Charnas, Jeffrey Ford, Emma Bull, Terri Windling, Kaaron Warren, Nathan Ballingrud, Steve Berman, Cecil Castellucci, Melissa Marr, Genevieve Valentine, Lu Wow, this one is packed with adventure. This one is best suited for older teens since there seems to be a bit more violence, sexual situations and language than the average vampire tale. Three stories really stood out for me: Best Friends Forever by Cecil Castelucci which is a twisted tale about a girl who is allergic to the sun becomes BFFs with a vampire when they meet at night school. Both yearn for a normal life and seem to find a bit of happiness in each others company.Transition by Melissa Marr in which a newly minted vampire learns the way of her new world and with a lot of wit and sarcasm finds a new path.The Perfect Dinner Party by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black is almost a Victorian short story with a wicked twist at the end. I guess when you look at who the writers are, it completely makes sense.

Currently reading

Orange Is the New Black
Piper Kerman
The Chaos of Stars
Kiersten White
Sarah Beth Durst
Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division
Peter Hook
Amy Christine Parker
Stick Dog
Tom Watson, Ethan Long
The Housewife Assassin's Guide to Gracious Killing
Josie Brown
Mrs. Poe
Lynn Cullen
Lisa McMann
Chuck Palahniuk