Sigh, and so this is the final book in the Pride, Prejudice and Zombies series. We have followed Elizabeth and Darcy through their battles with the Dead , finally a marriage and now can they survive being torn apart by the dreadful and undead life ever after? This is written in the wonderful style of Jane Austen and Steve Hockensmith does an admirable job of capturing the voice and keeping it true to the era. After four years of marriage, Darcy finds himself with a nasty bite. Elizabeth hears of a possible cure for the dreadful disease and attempt to get the antidote with the help of Lady Catherine De Bourgh. There are the required ninja which somehow actually make sense during the Regency era that the story takes place. There are also great subplots with the Bennett sisters that help to keep everything moving. I adore zombie books and the dreadfuls in this one are something special. There are spectacular drawings interspersed within the story that would make a great graphic novel. That would be amazing!