
Books, Gardens, Dogs
I Love Your Laugh: Finding the Light in My Screwball Life - Jessica Holmes I adored this book. I am generally a fan of humorous memoirs, but this one really hit a nice balance between the truly funny and poignant. There is a certain picture that appears toward the beginning of the book that I will always hold dear and when I am in a bad mood, all I have to do is look at it and I laugh out loud for a good minute or so. The picture? An old print that one of the author's brothers had photoshopped. Now, normally, these sight gags are just a come on and there is no substance behind them. This one is different. The picture told me everything I needed to know about her upbringing. It must have had a great deal of wackiness and humor. So, now are you wondering about the picture? It is an old print of two boys and two horses and you must look closely at it. The legs of the horses are switched with those of the boys. Simple, but effective!Jessica Holmes is a star in her native Canada and she may be unfamiliar in the US, but she shouldn't be. She writes with a wit and friendliness that even the dull parts are wonderful. Well, there aren't many dull parts and again, I think that if I was familiar with her comedy and fame that I would have wanted to read more about her marriage like any good gossipy memoir. She covers that part just enough to round out the details. If you really want to laugh a bit more, check out her Celine Dion impression on You Tube. They are really hilarious.

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